s sense by omerpolak from israel
designer's own words:
S SENSE is a project that combines designing and neuroscience. The project introduces a research on the sense of smell and its uses.
I started the project as a personal research in odor. At the beginning I tried to experience the world through smells and without them, tried to learn my own smell through designated mask. I "Recorded" Smells in primitive ways and spread them artificially. Then I tried to neutralize my sense of smell by using blurring "White odor" as if I was an anosmic for one day. I created conceptual models for an instrument that would “increase odor”, and for an instrument that will allow you to smell danger/diseases.
The project s-sense contains tree object; a odor learning device, and two artificial smell distribution tools (jewelry). The key element to the project‘s sense’ is a device that helps anosmic people, (those who have reduced smell receptors) to learn different types of odors. The inability of anosmic individuals to smell is actually their inability to translate the olfactory signals (the molecules) into sensations. Meaning, they have no understanding of a certain feeling of something that smells like an orange and other like a sewer. A device for learning allows the user to practice and learn different types of odors by biofeedback.
The device diffuses pleasant / unpleasant odors and simultaneously appears on the computer screen with a compatible image and sound. The user, then, asked about how pleasant the smell was. Later on, during the practice and in a random way, the device diffuses odors without sound and image, than the user is asked whether he noticed the smell or not. At the end of the process he gets feedback on his successes. The developed device is based on the premise that we often experience the world through the senses of sight and hearing, so by matching a compatible smell, sound and image, the user can understand that a certain feeling is positive and the other is not. So even if he does not feel a bad smell, the matching will allow him to understand that the smell is pleasant / unpleasant.
(The odor learning project was developed in collaboration with Weizmann Institute of science)
The process of the Odor learning device focused on two simultaneous ways; One relates to structurally and functionally development while the other relates to the shape of the device and the way of using it.
The round shape of the device and its size stimulate the user to hold it with two hands and consecrate only in the practice. The Vertical slot, the place the odors come from, is also used as a sight device into the screen when the user smells the odors. The device made out of marble casting which is not absorbing the odors during the time of using and it's also easy to clean by a wet wipe.
Person's inability to smell does not harm the brain’s response to the influence of smell. In other words, many scents affect our daily behavior even when we do not feel them significantly. A good example of this can be attributed to interpersonal communication, relationships and sexuality.
I developed two artificial smell distribution tools. With these tools, it is possible to spread different scents in an explicit or implicit ways, for intervention, for changes or even to create an impact on social situations. Our understanding of the world of smell allows us to increase or decrease our body smell, influences the emotions of those around us and in the near future, could also influence peoples decisions and behaviors.
A scent spreading pin is based on habit of wearing flower in a breast pocket and offers a new interpretation of decorative pin which was popular in the 20's and used as a small tool that contains water for the flower while wearing it. A decorative pin allows the user to store the smell of his body and scatter it to the masses as soap bubbles. The body odor spreading action as a media for courting is familiar to us from the animal world.
PLEASE - Watch the S sense movie in this link -
Odor learning device
From the movie S SENSE; Anosmic learning to smell by using Odor learning device and biofeedback software in the computer
The process of the Odor learning device focused on two simultaneous ways; One relates to structurally and functionally development while the other relates to the shape of the device and the way of using it.
ODOR DIFFUSER – Boutonnière
a Mask – Self olfactory experience