RQUATTRO by damiano nicastro from italy

designer's own words:

this new r4 takes inspiration from the design & philosophy of the old one. the design is a reinterpretation of the old r4, making it modern, but never betraying its style. the long frontal, the vertical windows, the particular doors' profile are all included in the new design, with an original interpretation. but what made old r4 special was not only the design, but also its practicity, its internal space, its capacity to be efficient and economic at the same time. the new r4 also has these important aspects, but "increased": the environmental health is one of the most important thing for this car, so it does everything to save energy. led lights, hybrid engines, electric steering, electronical brakes (without oil) will make possible a future with a very low level of emissions. also the completely recyclable plastic body and the system of rechargement of batteries during the brakes contribute to save energy. but under a plastic body, there's a indestructible structure, that makes this car the safest of its category. the particular design, with its long frontal allows to put in without any problem of space every engine, but at the same time thanks to it there is more space dedicated to the structure which has to resist even to very big crashes.




