round we go by Antoana from uk
designer's own words:
I translated the theme of motion into an aim to make function out of movement. The result is ‘Round-we-go’, a playful kinetic artifact based on something as functional and mundane as the park bench.
I looked at motion both literally and as the idea of action and traces. When applied to outdoor public spaces, the human interventions and furniture are the traces of our use of the space. I looked at benches in particular, and
I asked myself if they have to be being fixed rigid objects. Can they allow motion and personalization? Can their trace be only temporary?
The ‘Round-we-go’ bench offers a dynamic and cheerful answer to these questions. It can be moved, used and then stored away in a playful manner. To store it, it can be parked in a steel frame, not unlike a car or a bike. When needed it can be rolled and dragged to a desired location. The people who want to use it can then un-coil it and lay it flat, just like a regular bench. When done, they reverse their steps to tuck away this furniture where it would be ready for the next group of people.
This bench’s flexibility is great for bigger gardens, including those of hotels or restaurants, or even parks. It will be particularly useful for outdoor events, when the guests can arrange the benches freely.
‘Round-we-go’ is made out of reclaimed hardwood bars. These simple components are held together with hinges, hidden under a flexible cover. The cover comes in various bright and fresh colors, and could have various patterns or shapes, such as the ones shown. The base is stainless steel, and the locking is through a hydraulic mechanism. The overall feel is balanced, simple, yet elegant. The motion of the bench is its true aesthetic quality.
Round-we-go bench: initial stages. The image shows the storage of a bench in a park or garden. Uncoiling the bench. The image shows the process of dragging the bench away from its storage frame and starting to uncoil it in the desired location [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/368698/2012-12-30/video_1_1356863271_d77006267509f5d3e4929b1baedf1316.mp4″] video
Finally, the bench is uncoiled flat in the desired spot and is ready to be used, coiled and taken back to its frame!
Plans and elevations of the bench
Various colours and designs can be applied to the cover; in public spaces, the cover could even include advertisements.