roll over by michal & avi cohen from israel
designer's own words:
Teenagers like to change their room more often than others.
The changes are often influenced by fashion, size of room, the needs of the teenager, and by trends.
Socialization in contemporary living can give a new meaning to furniture in the teenager’s room.
The “Roll-Over” is a light weight cylinder shaped three positions sofa/chair.
The use of the three positions is as follows:
1. See-saw sofa—the teenager can socialize with his friends and rock together on the furniture.
2. See-saw with two seats—two friends can seat in the bucket chairs and rock together without any physical contact.
3. Seat for one—the teenager can seat by himself.
The transformation between the three positions is achieved by simply rolling it over while in horizontal position from one side to another (1&2), or by turning it from its horizontal to its vertical position (3).
• The product is designed using light weigh material, and hence, can be used by the teenager without adult assistance.
• In its vertical position the furniture takes less space in the room.
• The need to balance while in horizontal position creates playful interaction between the teenagers who seat together.
This furniture answers a number of desires in teenagers’ life such as create fun interaction, enhance intimacy and answer practical needs.
roll over
roll over
roll over