Roccia by francois gonzalez from france
designer's own words:
With my door handle design, "Roccia", I wanted to find the right balance between innovation and tradition.
I was looking for a form that would be both simple, timeless, and that could be produced with Colombos present manufacturing procedures.
I found my inspiration in natural structures such as minerals, rocks and crystals. At first, they seem totally random but are, in fact, the precise result of numerous forces and factors. This is, in my opinion, a good metaphor of Product design.
"Roccia" was once the simplest handle form, but it underwent different cuttings which created new faces and subtly chamfered edges that play with light and reflections of the environment, thanks to the chrome finish.
"Roccia" would fit in any comtemporary architecture project as well as in more classic interiors, for it is designed in the Colombo tradition of stylish simplicity.
Overview – chrome variant
Overview – mat chrome variant
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