road drinking fountain by jinah park from korea
designer's own words:
Save your time for having some water on your way.
When bikers want to get some water,
they need to…
1. Go to a grocery market.
2. Take off from the bike.
3. Park the bike.
4. Enter the grocery market.
5. Purchase a drink.
6. Unlock the bike.
7. Get on the bike.
It will reduce unnecessary actions, time and also safety of their bikes.
It will easily work by just stepping on the little sensors placed on the foot rest.
Its shape is motivated by Korean famous mountains. Which are generally ‘Hanra-Mountain’, ‘Jiri-Mountain’ and etc. On the side there is a sign telling the distance of the mountain from the present location. This will let people to know about the mountains in Korea and the brief location.
(eg. 'Hanra-mountain 130km Sount/West')
It has three different water levels so any kind of people can have some water. Because it has water line in both sides for the bikers and the side walkers, as it is designed for ‘All’.
‘Road Drinking Fountain’ is to let people drink water on their way with bike on.
Top view
Front view