RGB_r by paolo emilio bellisario from italy

designer's own words:

Analyzing the most common situations of a meeting, we worked on a simple way to propel socializing and communicating on the daily appetizers, events, night-living or an house party.
Inspired by the communicative power of the colours, RGB_r is a shell made by a non toxic opaque silicon rubber, wrapping a battery-powered LED light, to be used while drinking your favorite beer. After fitting the bottle inside, just pushing, the LED can be switched on and off and cyclically turned into 3 different colours, thanks to a manual sequencer. While pointing up your favorite beer bottle, colours shows off your mood and what you’re looking in the crowd: friendship, dating or business affairs. No colour means you prefer to stay on your own. LED “potting” prevents shocking and keep RGB_r easy washable ( just slipping the LED off the silicon wrap). To avoid scratching, texture and logos are made by an easy mold imprint, to keep showing your favorite brand even when the bottle is not fitted. As an exclusive usage of a pub, given as a free gadget or also sold it in shops, used inside but also outside in a garden or on the beach, RGB_r can easily change your daily space by giving it a new feeling.

RGB_r __ light your choice, show off your mood

tav2final.jpg RGB_r __ light your choice, show off your mood

tav3final.jpg RGB_r __ light your choice, show off your mood