Revolution Bar by Moment Factory from canada
designer's own words:
"Revolution" is a new bar in Las Vegas which was created as homage to the Beatles. Moment Factory was given the mandate to create to a mix-media installation combining video projections; LED screens and LED lighting fixtures.
The innovative aspects of the project resided in the synchronicity of the different medias, the usage of the LED emitted light on printed surface (reacting with the ink pigment) and the optical illusion in the "LED potholes" (Round LED screen sandwiched into 2 two-way mirrors).
All these particular techniques integrated with a powerfull showcontrol and beautiful content resulted into a stunning visual global environment, constantly renewing and enhancing the user-experience.
Media : LED fixtures (Illumivision LightwaveLX) , Video Projections, SACO custom built round LED screen, printed surface overlayed on extruded surface (bar backwall).
Mixed used : Light saturation, LED Potholes and Video projection & Extruded+Printed backwall
Custom Round LED Screen
Perspective of the Beatle Revolution Bar