
Rev by Daryl Refuerzo from philippines

designer's own words:

Rev anticipates daily living rituals at home. Devoid of complicated mechanics, it can be tumbled to provide dual seating profiles apt for casual lounging and dining. It is that multi-functional companion whether one’s having a morning coffee or steak dinner, in front of the television news or the dining table. This adaptability and kinetic qualities enrich the sitting experience.

In this convoluted age, Rev counters by virtue of simplicity and multi-functionality.

The duality of materials - upholstered foam on lightweight metal frame - and diversity of coloring options allow for customization, thus responding to one’s need for variety and identity.

More than a regression to the essentials, Rev is faceted beyond the surface.

Rev is symmetry revisited.
A study of combining and supporting seat profiles.
Armchair – dining chair transformation
Rev in a somber palette of grays and stainless steel.
Adaptation to living and dining setups