re(tro) shower by raf dauwe from germany
designer's own words:
REcycling can be more than just reusing materials that otherwise would be wasted, the RE-thinking and RE-using of design itself seems valuable in both an economical/environmental and a social way.
The telephone booth of the German-telecom that has been in use since the late 60´s is slowly disappearing from the streets. In all these years it has become something like a ´mental image´, a significant element in the urban-realm. We consider it as one of the icons of Germany’s post-war ´economical-boom´ with its famous high quality standard (an aspect that is in big crisis today). It would be a shame if it would just disappear forever out of our lives.
Converted into a shower the new-born booth suits perfectly, production and design costs are minimal, the percentage of REcycled material is almost maximal and its ´personality´, comes for free!