RESTERNITY by J C Birchall from uk

designer's own words:

This design anticipates a solution for the non-sustainability of current burial methods that occurs due to lack of land and from overpopulation. Through this design space can be utilised in a more eco-friendly, space-efficient and even cost-effective way. It's suggested 55 million die per year (0.8% of the planets population) it is an evident problem as Hong Kong has already filled its last burial plot in the 1980s, land is running out. London’s 100acres of cemetries reckonned to be completely full within the next 20-30 years. “Burials are becoming more & more of a niche product or market”- Dr John Troyer of th e univercity of Bath’s centre for death & society. Therefore the price of land will inevitably increase in time making burials something only for the elite. This design focuses on the consumers needs and worries about death and takes about the economical burden of the funeral. The coffin (pods) would be made out of biodegradable material such as woven willow, bamboo and possibly recycled paper pulp. The space indicator (central rod) that ensures there's untouched soil between the burials so there's no distupstion to previous burials and measures the space in which the pods go, then once the space is used the rod gets cut to be used as the headstone. therefore it would be made from possibly metal as it needs to be everlasting and engraved. The hole thats dug for the burial is a cylinder 12 foot deep with a foot between each body the top pod being min of 2 feet below the surface design to law restrictions as it's biodegradable. This design fits at least 8 people into the same sized plot of land a standard double burial including two coffins.

Anticipating a solution for the non-sustainability of current burial methods that occurs due to lack of land and from overpopulation. Through this design space can be utilised in a more eco-friendly, space-efficient and even cost-effective way.
The bio-degradable design allows for people to return to the earth in comfort alongside their loved ones, in a process that reflects the circle of life and ensures an eternal family bond in their final resting place.
The pods interlock and layer on top of each other in a twisting style saving space and making the design more compact, there will also be more space for the future as the only remains in the soil is bones. The form of pods represent the eternity symbol. The body in fetal position within the pods to capitalise on space and highlight the journey of life from the womb to the earth. The circular monument also highlights the family aspect of the design.
The process of the burial is different to the traditional way therefore my storyboard should explain how to use my design. It explains that once you buy the plot of land 8 family members or more over time can be buried there with no extra cost of a headstone therefore it makes burial more affordable which is important with the anticipated lack of land for burial in the future as research supported.