Responsive Jewellery by 030286 from uk
designer's own words:
Nature seeks simplicity and balance. It creates sophisticated mechanisms which sense intuitively changings in the environment, reacting to them in the form of evolution in order to survive. Flower buds are open when the sun is up and the plants are reacting on the seasonal changings.
Human body is a mechanism which uses controllable senses as a supraliminal tool in order to experience and to understand the surroundings. We learn through senses.
By combining both of these sensing approaches (intuitive sensing and controlled sensing) we can create an artificial mechanism which shape could be changed by human beings depending on their imagination and which colour would reflect the surrounding conditions, creating numerous possibilities for its users.
Fashion industry is the most pertinent environment for this exploration. How many times women would come to a jewellery store and wouldn’t be able to find the piece they like as all the items shown on a display would not reflect their personalities. Each of us is looking for something unique. This is how the idea of Responsive Jewellery appeared. The Jewellery which base is made of shape-memory alloy is having a standard round shape on a day of purchase and due to its flexibility could be easily transformed by customers depending on the occasion they are going and their imagination. However, when the current bended shape does not satisfy the customers anymore they can put it in a hot water and the configuration of the jewellery base will transform back to the round position as it was at the day of purchase. The regenerative process could be repeated numerous times. The material between the bases is pleated photochromic transparent material, which changes the colour after exposure to light. The intensity of the colour will depend on the jewellery shape (how stretched the material is and how much of stretched material is exposed to the light) and the variety of colour will depend on the amount of light it gets during the wear time. Thus, the Responsive Jewellery evolves to their users as a unique object which reveals the personality of its owner.
Title page
Transformation diagram
Evolution phases
Evolution phases_perspective views_page 01
Evolution phases_perspective views_page 02
Colour transformation