ReShoes by Chen,Yin-yu from taiwan
designer's own words:
When the sole wear out, people will see a pattern in the second layer and the donate address. There are enclosed a stamped addressed package to remind consumers donating to people who need shoes. With the pattern under the shoes, it reminds people that they have power to help other people. We can put it to better use and continue value to completely used up.
The NGO's said that more than 2000000 people in the world suffer from soil-transmitted diseases, parasites and living in areas with inadequate sanitation. The sole of the feet directly contact with the soil surface, causing bacterial infection and other illnesses.
There are two layers of sole, the first layer is used by consumers, and the second layer is used by Third World countries after reorganizing at the distribution center and then donating. Using decomposable EVA material, it can prevent environmental damage.
When the sole wear out, people will see a pattern in the second layer and the donate address. There are enclosed a stamped addressed package to remind consumers donating to people who need shoes.
With the pattern under the shoes, it reminds people that they have power to help other people. We can put it to better use and continue value to completely used up.
The NGO\’s said that more than 2000000 people in the world suffer from soil-transmitted diseases, parasites and living in areas with inadequate sanitation.
There are two layers of sole, the first layer is used by consumers, and the second layer is used by Third World countries after reorganizing at the distribution center and then donating.
When the sole wear out, people will see a pattern in the second layer and the donate address. There are enclosed a stamped addressed package to remind consumers donating to people who need shoes.
All processes, from new shoes to donate shoes and then reorganizing, and the last process is recycling.