renault 4 vehicle concept by ralph zoontjens by ralph zoontjens from netherlands
designer's own words:
this redesign of the renault 4 is focused at simplifying the original design while maintaining its iconic essence and underlying philosophy.
in terms of form design, it has remained loyal to the forward angling posture of its predecessor. this posture has been enhanced by optically lifting the rear end and having the side skirts roll underneath the car in order to optically elevate the entire body shape. protruding wheel arches, a dynamic side protector with integrated turn signal, and sculptured bumper forms are meant to increase the overall appeal of the design. the design of the rear end and the large trunk has been inspired by it serving as the car’s ‘backpack’. this gives the car an adventurous and informal, family-friendly quality.
the new renault 4 should contribute to a future circular economy through incorporating reusable and even compostable materials such as bioplastics, biorubber tires, natural fiber reinforced plastics for the exterior body panels, recyclable glass, and biodegradable foams. it has been positioned as a plug-in hybrid, meaning that it uses the advantage in terms of mileage of gasoline together with the eco-efficiency of electric power. you can plug the car into the electricity net to have it charge up, or have it out in the sun where it can absorb energy through three solar cell sheets on the hood, roof and trunk. this adds significantly to the cost of the car, but this monetary loss will be regained over time as far less oil-based fuel is necessary.
in order to keep the costs down and make the car affordable, parts such as the led lamps and mirrors should be standard items. also, the interior has been kept minimal, leaving out many the many features that make the cars of today extra comfortable and entertaining. this draws the focus purely towards driving as well as the social experience inside the car. instead of a car radio, for example, it has a piece of whiteboard that can be used to make drawings, make notes, or play games.
the seats have been designed like benches, with only the headrest being adjustable per individual. they can be laid down flat and as such turned into a bed. the speedometer can then be converted into an alarm clock. an element of creativity has been added by allowing the end-user to design his own custom patterns for the grill and interior carpeting through web-based tools.
front view
angle view
side view
rear view