Renault 4 (Rabchik Sergey) by sergey rabchik from belarus
designer's own words:
In the given pictures You can see how I imagine new Renault 4.
New Renault 4 is an environment-friendly electromobile. It is light, noiseless, extremely functional and efficient.
The body of the electromobile is made of a special-purpose type of wood that will be derived by the man in a couple of years. This type of wood has specific fiber texture, it is flexible, but at the same time it is characterized by excellent hardness and durability, it is environment-friendly and non-fastidious about sudden temperature changes. It is weakly combustible. It is characterized by a long service life in the course of operation. But upon expiration of the term of service, it is liable to recycling as compost. Moreover, graphene inserts will be fitted into the car body, in particular into the car parts that are mostly exposed to danger in case of an accident. They will allow to protect the driver and passengers of Renault 4 from imminent danger. Graphene (Nobel prize of 2010) is a new high-tension and environment-friendly material that will be used by the man in the nearest future. Engine units are installed directly in the wheels, which allows to vacate much space inside the car. Electrical engines are recharged by means of a regular alternate current socket, but there is also a possibility to recharge the engine using installed electrical generators driven by air counterflow when the electromobile is moving.
While working on a project, I tried to capture the nature and features of the historic model of Renault 4. Moreover, I assigned myself with a task of finding something new in terms of forming, something that will express modern philosophy of Renault and the nearest future of the car make at the same time. I was challenged not only to make the car look minimalistically simple, but also to assign it with attractive appearance, nature, and charisma. The task was very complicated, but I think I managed it.
Thank You for Your attention!