RENAULT 4 Impulse by bernhard meyer by bernhard meyer from germany
designer's own words:
the renault 4 impulse combines individuell needs with social requirements. functional, effortable and ecologically friendly.
the vehicle is intended to be as lightweight as possible to increase efficiency to a maximum. thin wheels reduce friction.
the car has an electric engine connected with a regenerative braking system to convert energy into power.circular economy: non fibre-reinforced plastics are used, parts are constructed to be able to separate easily, to be recycled and not downcycled. the use of ecological plastics reduces co2 emission and need less oil. special interior: interior wall covering fabrics with integrated air pads replace injection molded components. fabrics can be easily replaced, recycled, are lighter and need less energy to produce. smart textiles enable to integrate electronic components. parts are reduced to a minimum of number to safe weight and energy in the manufacturing process. interior concept: simple and funktional.
equal seats, the interior can be easily changed, intergrated slide rails on the ground enable seats to be added and removed easily. seats might also serve as outdoor camping chairs.
front view
front planar view
rear planar view
side planar view
rear view
interior and functionality