remember me

remember me by yair shalem from israel

designer's own words:


this project is all about memory and how people wants to be remembered.
All around the world people have pictures of their love ones close to them.
They have them in their houses at their offices and as a screensaver on their mobile phones and pc.
Some of us will even have them on a key ring, T-shirt and other consumption products that are not the ideal application for that purpose.
This project is seeking to find a new and unique application for the familiar faces we would like to see often and remember.
The result is presented to you as various kitchenware for everyday use, such as spatula and butcher block.
The cut-out used is the portrait silhouette of Avi, one rib of the "+972design" team. Remember us.

remember me – butcher block

copy_1812_1.jpg remember me – butcher block

copy_1478_3.jpg remember me – butcher block