refresh refrigerator

refresh refrigerator by sumin kim from korea

designer's own words:

1. background
-Where do garbages come from?-
According a research, 69% of wastes are produced from average households.
Then we thought, how come domestic households create more garbages compared to restaurants?
We believe that it is because of the structural problems of the refrigerators.
Leftovers, mass amount of cooking ingredients purchased from large grocery shops are gradually hidden inside the refrigerator, waiting to be rotten.
After sometime, these precious foods will turn into garbages.

2. Design concept
In order to solve this problem, we thought of a structure which will allow much easier excess to the inner part of the refrigerator.
The axis of the plate inside make the plate rotate up to 360 degrees.

The rotable plate that holds the contents of the refrigerator can be rotated outward,
thus making things much more easier to reach inside to get a hold of the needed goods.

main image

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