
reflex by Fernando Donis from netherlands

designer's own words:


A Reflex activates movement. It is automatic, done without thinking, often an habitual behavior or response.
It is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.
The term also means the reflection of an object, by a mirror or the like.

This definition explains well the intention of this project: the REFLEX BIKE.

A new bike to activate movement in the city. Reinventing the folding bike to its utter simplicity, quicker to fold-unfold, and lighter as made of carbon fiber. Responding to instantaneous movements, it will allow any user to commute quickly from home to public transportation to office, back and forth. Flexible in its operating and use.

Integrating a 'shaft drive' pedaling system within the basic frame, the Reflex Bike will stand out by its reflection. A mirror coating will blend the city or landscape it moves through, directly contextualizing it with any environment; and making people stand out as floating figures in motion.

RefLex in the Park reflex RefLex in the City [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″] video

reflex RefLex Side View reflex RefLex Back View reflex RefLex Front View reflex RefLex Front End View