Reflect Rose

Reflect Rose by twahir beeharry from mauritius

designer's own words:

modern/contemporary design offers tremendous scope for customise designs and enhanced functionality of objects.reflect rose is a project that has been developed within this paradigm.the concept transforms radically the typical handle into a symmetrical regular polygon by introducing a handle rose which is a replica of the handle lever.the scope for design variations with a symmetrical handle is enormous.the handle can be customised to reflect personalised forms and corporate/public designs, logos etc.(that are symmetrical in shape).a security functionality in the present design is a mini barrel lock fitted onto the handle inclination feature is further introduced for enhanced visibility of the handle from a certain distance.the reflect rose handle is ideally manufactured in moulded brass with chrome or brush metal finish.customised designs for corporate/public projects will require paint be consistent with its symmetry both sides of the handle should be identical.the hole above the mini barrel lock is intended for fastening the handle rose onto the reverse side rose.the positions of the main fastening holes will depend on the balance of the handle.

Reflect Rose

copy_0_rose2.jpg Handle lever operates as any handle

copy_0_rose3.jpg Double Security- Handle rose integrates a mini barrel lock

rose4.jpg Enhanced visibility envisioned…

rose5.jpg Context view

roseplan.jpg Measurements