recycle ball

recycle ball by jaewan jeong from korea

designer's own words:

We suggest new oil spilled Solution.
The recycle ball can be recycled oil.
And It can absorbed more than five times
the adsorption fabric has the capacity to
absorb. Also it is absorb oil selectively.
It is put in the polluted sea. Then recycle
ball absorbs oil absorption. After a few
hours, it is filled with oil.
Then people assembled the recycle ball.
Press the recycle ball and connect the hose for collect oil.
If you remove all the oil in recycle ball.
Then Into the sea again.

This is not one-time use.
Kopok fabric can be recycled dozens times.
The Fibrous tissue is less than water particles.
But Fibrous tissue is bigger than the
oil particles. So does not absorb water.


sdf_recycleball_2.jpg Solution & Scenario

sdf_recycleball_3.jpg Usage Scene