
reap by ian thompson from uk

designer's own words:

REAP - relax and apply. A flexible furniture solution to make the best of space and deal with the changing needs of teenagers. It can provide a study, work, application area or flip it over and it becomes an area to relax, play games, listen to music, DVD’s, plug in your I-pod. With on board power supply REAP provides solutions for lap tops and media equipment. Alternatively put foam comfort pads all over the inside on the Velcro rings and maximise the seating area for friends. The foam pads can be also used for lying on for a sleep over or even throwing around, indoor frisbee. The matching stools provide seating for study, they share the comfort pads and can be stored under REAP when not in use. REAP - relax and apply…..

flip it over

final_board2_low_res.jpg flip it over again

final_boards3_low_res.jpg relax and apply