read on

read on by Hanan bensho from israel

designer's own words:

Creating a network of contribution of knowledge:
The main goal of the design is to create knowledge more accessible for all, by ‘all’ I mean by everyone: young, aged, sightless, and common people without a difference of place or economical situation.
ReadOn is a missing part in the chain of global network. It is a link between the physical texts to virtual one. Delivered by the ones who until nowadays are outside of the reading circles.
It is also about the importance of feeling useful: this device is made for the outsiders of communities, the forgotten parts of population that mostly suffer of low self-esteem and feeling of being useless. ReadOn, beside the immediate improve in the life of illiterates and sightless, improves the self esteem and gives a feeling of usefulness- The access to a virtual community and the contribution of digitize, maintaining of knowledge and expending it inside and outside the community.


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