re>de light by anniina koivu from germany
designer's own words:
Lightning design today has been degraded much too often to a simple decoration matter. The light resource is hidden behind fancy new forms and witty materials pretend a resourceless magical glow, whereas the actual light bulb’s classic design is underestimated.
RE>think how to RE-valuate the evergreen design of light bulbs?!
RE>think how to continue using already bursted light bulbs for lightning?!
RE>use a heat-resistant and translucent, if not transparent material you have at hand. Besides a glass vase, as in this example, you can also RE-cycle a fruit net, shopping basket, plastic bag, tuppaware box, bucket, pillow case, milk can, etc. Once you have placed a plugged-in light bulb within the container, you can start filling it up. Collect all light bulbs you keep at home: the still new and unused stock of bulbs that usually take too much space in your cupboard, as well as the bursted bulbs that would otherwise end up in the waste. Stacking layers of clear and opaque light bulbs on top of each other creates pleasant indirect lightning effects and you’ll enjoy a RE>DELIGHT of otherwise wasted material.
re>de light elements
re>de light result
re>de light detail