rawtation by adi zaffran weisler from israel
designer's own words:
The aim of my project is to discover the fusion between the organic and the industrial.
As I was learning the industrial process of plastic rotational molding I discovered the potential for combining raw organic elements in the process.
I tried creating a method where the meeting point between the organic and the synthetic is made by the rotational molding process without the need for cold joints or complex adjustments. The manufacturing process uses pruned branches, trunks and foliage combined with plastic which creates the joints.
I designed a number of molds in basic geometric shapes in which it is possible to insert trimmed foliage of various kinds. Each time I used a different branch, bark or plant, which each influence the shape of the final object and create a unique and personal object. The polyethylene and the raw organic elements are inserted to the metal mold, which is then heated and cooled while rotating. The plastic forms along the inner side of the mold and firmly fastens together the organic elements, especially while cooling and shrinking. From the manufacturing process a new esthetic language is created out of basic shapes and raw material. The result is a set of table and stools.
rawtation furniture
rawtation furniture