Questions answers ideas by Pio Lewi from poland
designer's own words:
Matter of curiosity
Curiosity is common for all human beings. This emotion represents a thirst for knowledge, curiosity is a major driving force behind scientific research and other disciplines of human study. That is internal power that leads to explore, develope and have progress
The idea of the project is to increase curiosity with questions and doubts collected from designers artists and other personalities( questions connected with their projects and rethinks). It is based on belief that contact with this matter could trigger thinking of spectators, could push to exploration on some issues. Other aspect of the project is creation of image that shows curiosity as limitless and boundless. That questions are starting points for all projects. That during process they are changing into answers and finally into objects.
Project consist of two phases. At first collecting questions, doubts thoughts from artists designers. Then projection of them. Parallely could exist two platforms. The most important one presented on Milano Design Week in physical space and second internet platform in virtual space.
Big advantage of the design is that implementation of it is not complicated. Projection of questions is only link between curiosity of their authors and spectators. Forms connected with design should be subtle and organic. Elements appearing in physical space are projectors and „screens”. „Screens” are in three types to diverse the exprience (type one mounted on wall, type two standing on the floor, type three suspended on a ceiling) All types are made of stretched fabric on stainless profiles.
Matter of curiosity
Functional diagram
Construction details