Quadrant handle

Quadrant handle by bryan welcel from usa

designer's own words:

One of the most minimal door handles ever designed. it is cut from a solid plate of stainless steel. the plate is cut and the handle is machine bent into shape. the single sheet forms the body and handle. simply fold into place. the rose is as minimal as possible several options are shown. there are three optional pieces available to enclose the details of the handle. the preference would be to not use these nor the rose and simply use the single sheet of stainless. I've included a video file to show details of how it is simply folded into place.

I've named it quadrant after a modular housing system i've developed. the hope is that they would be manufactured and could be used with this.

side profile 1

copy_9_n1.jpg side profile 2

copy_6_n3.jpg angle

copy_8_technical.jpg technical
