pws by ben oostrum from netherlands
designer's own words:
Fed by our fascination for modularity and ceramics, tile design have been a
recurring subject within our oeuvre.
One of the designs we like to enter for the100% tiles contest is the PWS wall tile. The PWS is a 15x15 cm modular relief tile named after a notorious PassWord Stealing computer virus.
Our aim was to design a contemporary single modular tile with which you can create numerous regular and irregular patterns.
Because of its outspoken design, the PWS won't only be applicable at usual places for tiles, as kitchens and bathrooms, but will especially be applicable at bars, reception spaces, hallways and other representative spaces.
The PWS is a machine-stamped tile, which can be glazed in a wide variety of colours and glazes.
prototype pws tiles
computer rendering, pws at random
computer rendering, pws rigid