
puzzle/puzzle by honfay lui from singapore

designer's own words:

The design hopes to recreate a sense of connection, understanding and harmony, not only metaphorically, but also physically between people. Having no definite functions, the stools can be joined together to become long benches, beds or simply stool on its own. Jig-saw puzzle cuts are used to hold the individual stools together. The material and colour of the seating stool can vary to give the furniture freedom of expression. It is possible to assemble a picture/statement by arranging the stools correctly. Interestingly, this interaction between the user and the furniture will introduce playfulness as well as intimacy to the design. The configuration PUZZLE/PUZZLE can adopt is limitless and hopefully the design will create a stronger sense of community. CONNECTIVITY is the key to express the idea of love between people.
PUZZLE/PUZZLE, in polyurethane foam, can be a series of functional pop sculpture.

How can PUZZLE be used?

copy_0_puzzlep2.jpg Individual puzzle