puxxle · The pixel puzzle

puxxle · The pixel puzzle by yoyo studio from spain

designer's own words:

The puxxle is born out of the fascination that two sisters have for games. From childhood on, Catarina Lente and Luisa Lente pass most of their spare time with puzzles, imagining characters and inventing games. With the emergence of the Spectrum, they discover a new world and later on, with SimCity2000, their fascination for pixel-constructions begins.

Specialized in Graphic Design, Product and Web, in 2004 they found the design company Yoyo. After years of work and many different projects, it is with pixel-projects that they imagine what it would be like to lift the pixelized universe from the screen into the real world. Composing in pixel is not solitary work in the computer anymore, but rather a game, a pixel puzzle, where both of them can intervene pixel by pixel and where everything is possible.

The pixel puzzle

reindeer_conj.jpg Reindeer

cactus_conj.jpg Cactus

alligator_conj.jpg Alligator

squirrel_conj.jpg Squirrel

shark_conj.jpg Shark