Pulling / Pushing by tsubasa iwahashi from japan
designer's own words:
[Pulling / Pushing]
movement and the function to open the door are composed again simply, and the design of the door handle is assumed to be a design that integrated the door with the whole. it is a mechanism that the door handle is pulled or is pushed in the direction where the door opens, and the door opens. when you open the door to the front side of the body, you will open the door as be pulling the door handle. when you open the door to the other side, you will open the door as be pushing the door handle. the movement of the body when the door is opened simplifies more, and the action of opening the door becomes simpler. uselessness is lost, and the door can be opened by more natural movement. the door handle is manufactured from steel in the deployment of (W)100mm × (H)70mm has a form that is intended to compact size. moreover, a sense of existence as the door handle weakens by the surface finish material of the fittings finished up the door handle flatly, therefore, the design with the entire whole fittings/wall will be composed with harmony. the design of the door handle when seeing in the entire space doesn't obstruct it, and it is assumed that it designs naturally as atmosphere the intention of the relieved thing to the space.
[Fundamental form]:the door is closed.
[move action 1]:pulling the door handle.
[move action 2]:pull the door to open.
[move action 1]:pushing the door handle.
[move action 2]:push the door to open.
[a drawing]:detail