PUDO by FANG HAO CHENG from taiwan
designer's own words:
Great sense experience is very enjoyable. We create interaction between human and product, which leads to feeling connection. By this concept, we want to make people feel pleasant and positive feelings.
Great sense experience is very enjoyable. We create interaction between human and product, which leads to feeling connection. By this concept, we want to make people feel pleasant and positive feelings.
People used to turn on the light by touching the button, but this action will lead to different reaction, and this is what we want the user to experienced. When PUDO feels a touch, the handle inside of it will pull up, and make something different.
PUDO want to bring out some feelings, such as approachable, warm, and adorable. It can provide additional sense experience in a normal space. If we personate this product, it will be like it has feeling and alive as well.