private spa london by Supriya Mankad from uk
designer's own words:
A subtle yet luxurious space with a rich material palette accentuated by key bespoke feature
elements. Black polished plaster, full height mirror panels, teak and glass tiles help define a
compact space into distinct areas.
A unique black‐gold‐grey bamboo pattern was developed in collaboration with Bisazza as
the central feature piece of the bespoke spa. Double and single glazed glass screens
separate the different environments of the spa and gym to create an airy feel.
A perforated metal screen shields the gym area from the main house providing privacy to its
users and doubles up as a physical barrier. The pattern continues a ply on a bamboo leaf
form. The design language is further developed in a light feature above the spa.
Gym to SapSpa to gymEntranceGraphic languageBespoke Bamboo bisazzaWashroom