
Pregnight by TsuyoshiMotobe from japan

designer's own words:

Currently there isn't an elegant way for a man to know the best day to have sex to make a baby. After a long-time hard work, his wife may say to him "We have to have sex today now". It lacks delicacy. Especially for middle-aged, it is not so easy to do immediately. He wants to know the day to have sex in advance more delicately.

This candle-like basal thermometer will imply to him "the best days" for making a baby by changing its color and brightness. It also notices "the possible days". "The possible days" are before several days of "the best days", so he can realize the best day in advance.

This thermometer will be an unforgetable gift from a husband to his wife.

This basal thermometer is made from 3 parts; thermometer itself, glass case and a base.

Thermometer itself has a micro CPU, memory and a NFC communication. It communicates with the glass case.

The glass case has 3 LED lights on the top part. It also has a micro CPU and a NFC communication. CPU calculates the best days for getting pregnant from data of NFC, and control its color, brightness and flicker noise of LED lights.

The base is for power supply and it is made of stainless steel.

Materals are glass, silicon, metal-coated plastic and stainless steel.

product image
light of flicker
how light changes by body temperature
how-to-use image and each parts
how it communicates to husband
2 Time Axis of Anticipation