pot soft by eduardo longinos gonzalez fonseca from mexico

designer's own words:

There are four ways to use the , the first one starts being a mattress , this is the fundamental position in which the three other positions evolves. There are three pieces that conforms it, a rectangular form which is the border of the mattress and two cubes that are the center of it. The rectangular form has four divisions that go right through the center of each side this means there are two axes that cross the shape .The divisions have seams that hold the quarters, in which is divided the rectangle. The first position that comes from the mattress by folding it transversally in half is a sofa for two people. The second one is an armchair for one person this is the result of folding the mattress cross- sectional by the other seams. The cube that lefts over is used to rest the feet. The third position is a stool that bends exactly the same as the armchair but the cube that is used to please the feet gets on top of the armchair position.
Materials- The base of the POT SOFT is made of conglomerate foam .The second layer is made of a 27 density foam, which is soft but not that much. And the third layer is made of the softest foam a density of 20.
The fabric is a combination of soft cotton and velvet. It is used for teddy bears.
The pieces of the sofa can be in different colors so the teenager can make the combination they want the moment they buy it.

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