popcorn fountain by bryce Beamer beamer from usa
designer's own words:
The goal of this project was to revive the life of a dying commodity object through the enhancement of the user experience. In a time where traditional air poppers have been replaced by microwave ovens, the Popcorn Fountain embraces what is truly unique about popcorn popping giving the user an exciting experience to share with their friends and family. The once hidden process is now displayed as a fun and safe activity for any group event.
1. Assemble popcorn fountain by attaching removable orange popcorn bowls.
2. Insert a handful of popcorn kernels into the shaft of the fountain.
3. Plug in the power cord.
4. Watch kernels dance as they heat up.
5. As kernel pop and increase surface area the launch from the fountains shaft.
6. Now the fountains stream of popcorn can be directed by gently pushing on the edge of the bowls.
Popcorn Fountain- Product Shot
Popcorn Fountain- Operation
Popcorn Fountain- Mechanics