POJA by Jinhyun Kim from korea
designer's own words:
Fragrance blaster of new concepts to stimulate the senses, POJA.
Sensation is caused Inside and outside the stimulation of the body.
Sense has the special senses (senses contained in a specific part).
Wind which make me feel the five senses.
Wind is the stimulus that we can meet naturally in everyday life.
We drew inspiration from the wind.
We suggest a product that incorporates the five senses in everyday life.
In a word, POJA is a touch-type fragrance blaster.
POJA means Spore in Korean.
Spore is the germ cells of the mushroom. and It is spreaded by wind.
Similarly, POJA's scent is spreaded by wind.
So, the form of the product is similar to the curve line of the mushrooms.
Organic forms of POJA is induces the user behavior(push).
Air freshener is solid. and which was fixed to the inlet portion.
When press the POJA's projecting portion and the air is ejected.
At the same time, scent is spreaded.
Thus, we can receive visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli.
There are two types of POJA, frame type and wall type.
So, it is possible to take advantage as interior accessories.
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