playstation generation

playstation generation by ben arent from uk

designer's own words:

The aim of my project was to look at a the older teens, one of the key buzz words you hear about if the playstation generation. From this i was inspired to create a well produced high quaintly bench, using existing snowboard construction. This will add to high quality of the product and in line with the teenagers knowing it all, wanting the best. This construction technique gives a thin bench, but also the ability for mass customisation. so what ever graphics you put on it can appeal to the many teenage markets (so its not just designed for comptuer gamers this furniture only becomes what grafics you put on the topsheet) . As teenagers all want to have their own identify. The addition of seating means that when you have the horde of friends over there is always somewhere for people to sit, or even use them as tables.

snowboard construciton allowing for minimal size and mass customisation. Seats up to 5 mates, with stool.

playstationrocker.jpg This is a 3d rocker, its is based on the idea that when people play computer games they are so engaged that they move there body, the rocker will allow a smooth and more realistic gamming experience.