Plast Assist app

Plast Assist app by Spriovan from croatia

designer's own words:

Plast Assist app reduce bank risk of non-payments and increases bank's social responsibility.
Also, takes care of your clients needs, consult and builds trust.
App shows list of all cards. Intuitively designed this app shows monthly debts and helps client to control his costs for future period.
Before purchasing customer can scan product code or enter price manually, choose instalments (6, 12 months). App shows his ability to pay and credit limit. If everything is OK, he continues shopping. If not he can choose another credit card or service.
This app helps customer in predicting his future liquidity. App withdraws all the info from customer account in your bank (monthly income and outcome). Also, it can predict if you're withdrawing same amount of cash every month (for apartment rent). This amount will be added in client's future costs prediction. Also he can add manually future costs like vacation.
App shows graphic overview of all client's accounts. If all his credit limits are overdue app suggest to transfer money from current account, savings account...
If your client has spare money you can encourage him to open savings or invest.

My cards
Plast Assist app
My cards
Plast Assist app
My monthly costs
Plast Assist app
My account
Plast Assist app
My assistant