
Plants-Skin by HirotoYoshizoe from japan

designer's own words:

How can people anticipate?

One day, I noticed that I always have natural "anticipation" when I am growing the plants. Basically, the important thing with growing plants is the water. When I water the plants, it shows moisturised trace of water on planter and I can anticipate the timing of giving water by the trace.

Focusing on the action and phenomenon, I tried to design a new relationship between plants and humans on a planter, which is necessary product for plants, by making the function which can visualise sight that plants and water act in concert.

Firstly, produce a moderate permeable planter with a colouring the base colour on mortar. Secondly, coating the hydro-chromic ink, which is specific one on the base colour and it looks white planter at this moment. When the surface absorb the water, its colour will be changed from white to transparent and in a result the base colour shows up. It is a mechanism that beautiful gradation colour appears and disappears from moment to moment on the surface of planter by dry and moisture.
It would be a scene such as if hearing the breath of plant, which we can not usually hear.

We can notice that people unconsciously anticipate and decision in fact.
For example, if you look outside from window, trees are swung by the wind, people are coming and going on the street with an umbrella up, then you can notice that you had better wear boots today. Though this action is not a simple anticipation such as weather forecast, it is a rich creative ability which we human-being originally has.

Watering the plant is a thing of the past. However, it is fact that looking at the trace of the past is necessary for anticipating the future. We might enable the ability of anticipating the future by its directly-opposed action which is looking back the past.

(Photo is for illustrative purpose only. Though it is possible theoretically, Verification is highly required for creating. e.g. : effectiveness of specific ink, permeability of mortar, etc)

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