plantbook by seung gi baek from korea
designer's own words:
1.Human cannot be above nature and only humans can live together, interacting on each other in nature. How are you trying to reduce CO2 emissions, facing fearful facts like global warming and climate change?
PLATEBOOK is for normal people of the future society that will be worried a lot about gradually increasing CO2 emissions. Using this PLANTBOOK, users can naturally make discharge of oxygen a part of their lives. This is for human living in nature.
2.'PLANTBOOK' motivated by a bamboo is an environment-friendly design which charges a battery and discharges oxygen under water at the same time. It is based on a concept, "Nature is the best design'.
As a system using the external water tank, not the internal water tank, PLANTBOOK continuously absorbs water when soaking it in water and water absorbed generates electrolysis using power stored in a solar heat plate installed on the top. In this process, it is operated using hydrogen as an energy source and discharging oxygen. If you put it into a water bottle while you don't use a laptop, it automatically charges a battery and discharges oxygen. A leaf-shaped strap hanging on the top is made with silicon. It plays a role of a hand ring and a green LED sharpens as a battery is charged. Using this LED, users can check how much spare capacity the batter has.
perspective rendering
2D drawing
explanation image