pixeltrace by ghimisi raul from romania
designer's own words:
The vision of a moment expanding to infinity is a common vision of each individual’s personal imagery … but how does a collective image of a moment look like?
The pattern
Take a line of pixels from any picture an multipy it on a given direction the result will be a series of stripes. So starting off the primary element of an digital image (pixel) we can create an endless number of dynamic patterns.
The public space is by definition a dynamic one, a space of consuming events. The time factor plays an important role in the urban scene, implying such notions as event duration, trajectory, and lived moment.
The project proposes the use of ceramic tiles for temporary dynamic urban structures, conceived to shelter events. The structures could serve as small pavilions, billboards and spatial delimitations. No matter what role they play, they are in a permanent state of change according to the type of light, the movement of the sun, seasons, people’s movement or sheltered events. The structures are designed to allow a large stylistic vocabulary and means of expression, through the dynamic anchoring system of the tiles. It achieves different effects by altering the solar light, through effects of filter, mirror, and shadow, and even serving as rain protection.
Based on the idea of capturing a moment of a certain event, the structures are the graphic transposition of an imagistic moment multiplied to infinity, becoming images of the moment within the urban realm. The frozen frame, the moment captured within the graphic evolution, depends on the hosted event, the character of urban space, the chosen moment, personal taste and means of expression, the choices of each participant to the urban event.
We are elements of the urban event in the same way as each pixel becomes the graphic transposition of the urban imagery.