pinus pinaster by barrero carsenat fabien from france
designer's own words:
Different interrogations around this material have been done. Historical and chemicals researches were the first step of my work on this rough d'un material. The aspects, components and complexity of this element, pushed me up to workout on five products purposes. Everyone is a result based on my rosin exploration, using each a singular property.
From those identity observations, the project aim (except the possibilities explorations), have been managing thinking around sustainability and eco friendly ways : non-contaminating our natural and social environments.
The processes developed to produce the different objects give a valorized status by uncontrolled results ways : imperfections as a unique material identity and aesthetic dimension (e.g : wabi Sabi Japanese philosophy).
Cheese cover and wooden tray
Using anti-bacterial and fungicidal particularities of the pine rosin. What place in our contemporaries life for old fashioned cheese preservation ? Nowadays we used to think fridge only. This purpose use the anti-bacterial substance contained inside the rosin. By this way, your traditional cheese can stay longer in the maturity stage you like ever, without definitely stopped the cheese process to get old. Those covers can be used with three different wooden trays, each one with unique characteristics (Cedar : strong perfumed. Cherry : Aesthetic tray for smooth and delicate, or Birchwood)
Pinus PinasterCheese covers
Covers on tray
Pine rosin covers
Cheese covers overview
Brown transparency details