pin tin by heli miikkulainen-gilbert from finland
designer's own words:
empty paint and food tins got new life as an elegant set of child, pet and handbag friendly pincushions with lid - so no more lively & curious toddlers dangerously grabbing pincushions to play with them or pet cats/dogs trying to give them a risky shake & squeeze when one's eyes are turned away or pins spreading all over one's handbag and causing embarassing mess when visiting a customer! inside the tin is a pincushion constructed of polyester padding and covered with thick shiny satin that is matching with the colour of pinwheel inspired print. heart of the cushion is a little pouch of lavender to calm busy mind. chain allows more productive hands as pincushion can be worn as a ‘necklace’, under arm or hung on working level. lid prevents accidents with children and pets as opening it requires strength of adult human’s fingers. tins are brushed all over with clear lacquer for damp and rust resistance.
how tin turned into pin tin pincushion
wearing pin tins
pin tins with lids on