Photoplasticon for Matsuyama

Photoplasticon for Matsuyama by jola was eylau from poland

designer's own words:

„Photoplasticon for Matsuyama” is a modern form of a stereoscopic entertainment medium based on a device popular in the 19th and early 20th century. There are a number of viewing stations at which people would peer through a pair of lenses showing a number of rotating stereoscopic glass slides.
Stereoscopy is a technique for creating the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision.

The „Photoplasticon for Matsuyama” will show only images of flowers. Using this old times technology gives viewers a chance to contemplate the images, to meditate, to break away from the pervasive technology of the 21st century. At the same time, it allows them to experience what used to be the cutting edge entertainment of their ancestors.
This device has a dozen stations, each with a pair of viewing lenses. It can be enjoyed as a group activity or provide a focused individual experience at the same time.

Using high resolution flower images and macrophotography images makes an impression of being very close to the world of nature. A public park – as a place of exposition – can inspire viewers to search for more experiences with the surrounding nature, be more connected to the natural world.

Photoplasticon for Matsuyama – general view


Photoplasticon for Matsuyama
Photoplasticon for Matsuyama – close up


Photoplasticon for Matsuyama
Photoplasticon for Matsuyama – binocular lenses