Photon by eiji uozumi from japan
designer's own words:
We proposed "Photon", the light fixture that makes us feel the consumption of energy physically.
Like pouring water to a glass as much as we need, we can regulate the brightness by adjusting the amount of particles of light with Photon.
Today, power lines are set up all over the world, so we can get the electricity easily by just switching on. The electric technology is introduced to many fields, and we depend on the electricity for our lives.
It means that the electricity is very important as water to live.
Photon makes us regulate the amount of brightness in accordance with act as we pour water the necessary amount. The concept is to treat the electricity as important as water to live, so Photon stimulates our interest in the limited resource for future.
Photon has two components. One is a ball- shaped light bulb composed of a transparent conductor which is made by polyacetylene and Acylic insulator.
Another is a glass has a rechargeable battery at the bottom.
The electric power is supplied from a bottom battery and go through ball-shaped light bulbs, finally return to a bottom battery through the side of glass as an earth. We can get necessary brightness by adjusting amount of ball-shaped lightbulbs in a glass.
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