Phantasm Space

Phantasm Space by Jie Liu from canada

designer's own words:

Phantasm, standing on the opposite of the physical world, illustrates more sensuous possibilities. It breaks all plausible logics and realigns them in a new way, in which any tiny change could create an unparalleled phantasm space. Conversely, it could also change your perception of the real world.

Based on the principle of Kaleidoscope, this project creates two sets of reflective devices, which are made of stainless steel, and then partially overlaps them in order to create more variation. Along with the specular reflection by the boxing part, the whole project opens up a phantasm space in the real physical world.

Phantasm Space
Phantasm Space
Principle and Generation
Phantasm Space
Phantasm in the desert
Phantasm Space
Phantasm in the snow
Phantasm Space
Phantasm in the road
Phantasm Space
Phantasm in the forest