pg one by michal sowa from poland
designer's own words:
„Pg one” is conception of an urban playground which have many advantages like gathering people in one place and allowing them to play and relax in warm and cosy enviroment it creates. But one of the main features of „Pg one” is it's ability to generate electricity from 4 out of 5 of it's elements. The electricity is created by moving and using elements (swing, seesaw, roundabout, springboard). What is needed in this situation is a bunch of people, good fun and the result can be beyond our expectations. Also the main benefit from „Pg one” is it's educational features. By using the playground people become aware that they really can change something by creating clean and green energy which is enviromentally friendly, and to do that they don't need to put a lot of hard work in it, but pure pleasure only.
Overall view on the playground conception
Roundabout, seesaw and swing details
Springboard and meeting stones details