Petal stool

Petal stool by Noboru Hashiya from japan

designer's own words:

It is a proposal of furniture which colors space like a flower and gives peacefulness and charmingness.
The chair table which consisted of delicate frames like the flower projects a variegated expression on space with the combination of play wood like beauty with a natural petal with the tone which is different one by one.
The stool constituted by connecting a simple part makes a fascinating scene like the flower floating on the water surface from more than one being put together while showing a complicated and rich expression like a petal.
The coloring and brightness of meeting are directed with flower arrangement by allotting the entrance of a hotel, etc.

petal stool image

copy_834_02.jpg detail 01

copy_718_03.jpg detail 02

copy_122_04.jpg color variation

copy_94_05.jpg stool & table

copy_69_06.jpg drawing