PERPETUAL CURVES by sang jun yoo from usa

designer's own words:

//description of the project :
“perpetual curves” is an wind-activated installation, mainly composed with a sheer fabric curtain, kinect sensor, and a car, which focuses on interpreting infiniti car’s body lines and visualizes what makes these graceful and powerful curved lines. from this, we want to make the audiences participate and experience what they look beyond of the curved vision: infinite possibilities driven by a simple curved line.

a constantly moving curtain with the lights mimics the characteristic of curved vision, which represents an infinite movement. the curves on the moving curtain helps the viewers to experience an invisible force that drives the atmosphere in the space. experiencing the installation is meant to elicit an emotional response too. the viewers become able to be immersed in the curved vision which drives a self motivation to discover their own perspective in between perpetual movement of curved lines. the viewers can directly approach to the inside or the outside of curtain wall, also adjusting the curves and the light on the curtain, to experience a spatial interactivity in the installation space. by touching the lights on a moving curtain wall over the car, the viewers become able to change the curves and the color spectrum, also their own visual perceptions to the curved vision. the constantly changing color spectrums on the curtain illuminates the car’s body as well. the curved vision in the installation naturally harmonizes with the curves on the car’s body. the translucent swathes mimic the movement of fabric in front of an open window, also the depth of natural encounters in our daily lives.

//installation a :
installation a (focuses on the relationship between car’s curvy outlines and wind)
a light sheer fabric is spreading over the car’s body , and flowing air in between the fabric and the car’s outline maintains a flexible open-space for recreational curves. the fabric is responsive to the delicate changes in the wind and users, and a hidden motion based camera right above the car captures invisible and subtle changes. it also converts these into a visible color gradation to aim for emphasizing the car’s curvy outlines.
the viewers are able to touch the moving curtain over the car to change the curves and the color of the lights. and the curved lights illuminate the car's whole body.

//installation b & c (shows the concept well, “beauty by nature” on purpose of exhibition) :
a sheer fabric is falling down in front of the car, and only top parts of the fabric is fixed, so it is allowed to blew by wind or controlled by audiences. this is to visualize invisible wind, creates and changes the colors and curved shapes from its flow, so audiences are allowed to experience more directly and feel the relationship between natural beauty and car.

//technical details
- the installation includes following initial equipments: projector, sheer fabric curtain, oscillating fan, kinect sensor, computer.

sheer curtain is hanged on the ceiling by transparent threads (set a), or any hanging materials such as a wire hanger or a mobile stand (set b & c).
projector and sensor is mounted together with facing the curtain wall. the sensor collects a distance data to the surface of the curtain which is constantly moving by the oscillating fan. the projector generates a smooth color spectrum on the moving part of the curtain based on the collected data, brighter(close) ~ darker(far) spectrum. the color palette can be modified in real time. the color spectrum is changing by the viewer's direct touch, also can be set to be changed automatically on a time basis. as the curtain is constantly moving by a wind current from the oscillating fan, the light is being projected on the curtain continuously. the viewers can control the fabric curtain front and back, to experience the spatial interactivity with the moving curves of the fabric and the light in the installation space.

//dimension & layout
First, please see the layout sketches of each installation setup in the attached images for your understanding.

- the installation is open and simple to be installed in any location (indoor/outdoor space) as long as the fabric can be mounted or hung by using the site's architecture with the supporting materials at the installation space. (either transparent threads, fishing wire, mobile stand, or wire hanger)
- the installation scale can be minimized or maximized for the specific size of the installation space, since the installation works by matching a projection screen to the curtain wall’s size.
- the projector is recommended to be mounted on the ceiling(setup a & b), but also can be placed on the wall or the floor. (setup c)
- the installation can be installed either in the indoor space or the outdoor space with a properly dimmed lighting condition
- every installation setup and scale can be adjusted based on the architecture of the space. (equipment’s mount location, dimension, ceiling and wall etc. )
- a properly dimmed space is recommended for better visibility
- electricity support is required
- size of the fabric curtain is adjustable for the specific size of the car and the exhibition space.
(setup a) a small space for placing two oscillating fans at the front and the rear side of the car is required. (at the behind of the car for setup b, c)
- (setup a) four thin strings are attached on each corners of the fabric to be hanged on the ceiling. the length is varied by the dimension of the space.

//equipment list

sheer fabric (white organza)
projector (short-throw projector is recommended)
projector mount
microsoft kinect sensor
mac based computer
oscillating fan (two for setup a)
power extension cables
vga/usb extension cables
extra hardwares for installing

- please contact us for any questions about the installation.

perpetual curves – set a

infiniti_perpetual_curves_img2.jpg perpetual curves – set b

infiniti_perpetual_curves_img3.jpg perpetual curves – set c

infiniti_perpetual_curves_img4.jpg perpetual curves – layout (set a)

infiniti_perpetual_curves_img5.jpg perpetual curves – layout (set b and c)